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DC-Unlocker ZTE Routers unlocker client

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  • DC-Unlocker ZTE Routers unlocker client

    NEW addon for DC Unlocker users !

    DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0012


    Download here

    What is new?

    DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0012

    ZTE MF29 unlock guide

    DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0011

    Added models:

    ZTE MF23 unlock guide

    DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0008

    Added models:

    ZTE MF612 unlock guide

    Looking for ZTE MF29 unlock by network cable beta testers.

    DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0006

    -Unlock ZTE routers by network cable

    Supported modems :
    ZTE MF28B
    ZTE MF28D
    ZTE MF28G

    Note: to use software, you need to have username/password for dc-unlocker or activated dc-unlocker/rocker/vygis or infinity dongle with credits

    Unlock tutorials:

    ZTE MF28
    Last edited by Valdemaras; 2014-09-03, 12:07 PM.
    >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<

  • #2
    Originally posted by turca
    I have 50 zte MF23 for test. I try, try in new software but no work
    Solved, detected and unlocked with assistance via live support chat.
    >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<


    • #3
      I have an MF29 and would like to participate in the beta testing.
      So far with this version of v.1.0011 it reaches this state

      Ping test to router ( OK
      Switching router to FTM mode... OK
      FTM setup 1... OK
      FTM setup 2... OK
      FTM setup 3... OK
      Activating FTM mode... OK
      Waiting for router response...failed


      • #4
        Originally posted by mbazaraa View Post
        I have an MF29 and would like to participate in the beta testing.
        So far with this version of v.1.0011 it reaches this state

        Ping test to router ( OK
        Switching router to FTM mode... OK
        FTM setup 1... OK
        FTM setup 2... OK
        FTM setup 3... OK
        Activating FTM mode... OK
        Waiting for router response...failed
        Please contact us by live chat from web page. Then we would be able to check more.


        • #5
          Cant unlock my ZTE MF28D. I do this with unsupported, supported and no simcard from wan and Lan-ports the hole day. Nothing helps.
          Follow guide from a to b.

          I film the processes because the support fellow don't believe I get the ip-number right on my computer:

          Last edited by idgforum; 2014-08-07, 07:30 AM. Reason: remove a line and done some spelling


          • #6
            Originally posted by idgforum View Post
            Cant unlock my ZTE MF28D. I do this with unsupported, supported and no simcard from wan and Lan-ports the hole day. Nothing helps.
            Follow guide from a to b.

            I film the processes because the support fellow don't believe I get the ip-number right on my computer:

            Please perform these steps: 1. Run ZTE Routers client
            2. Go to user account data.
            3. Click check account status.
            4. On main window click right mouse button and make sure "Enable debug logging" is checked.
            5. Detect modem. Try to unlock it. Regardless of outcome proceed further with rest of the steps
            6. After that click right mouse button and select save debug log.
            7. Send that file to me, please. dc-unlocker"eta"digiteka.lt
            >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<


            • #7
              Originally posted by Valdemaras View Post
              Please perform these steps: 1. Run ZTE Routers client
              2. Go to user account data.
              3. Click check account status.
              4. On main window click right mouse button and make sure "Enable debug logging" is checked.
              5. Detect modem. Try to unlock it. Regardless of outcome proceed further with rest of the steps
              6. After that click right mouse button and select save debug log.
              7. Send that file to me, please. dc-unlocker"eta"digiteka.lt

              Sorry, get this in step 3 (I have 7 credits from yesterday) and no "Enable debug logging" when right click mouse

              DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0011
              2014-08-07 12:11:23
              12:12:35.164 Start Check account
              Connecting to server... OK
              Send data to server... OK
              Read data from server...
              Disconnected from server!
              12:12:36.008 Error!
              Account status:
              User: storelyckan3
              Credits left: unknown
              Insufficient credits for unlock Unknown ZTE router
              If I go to step 5 and check the account I get this but no debug mode when a right-click the main window

              Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller
              MAC address : hidden by me
              IP address :
              Gateway :
              Subnet Mask :
              Ping test to router ( failed!
              Ping test to router ( failed!
              Ping test to router ( failed!
              Device not ready!
              12:22:48.527 Start Check account
              Connecting to server... OK
              Send data to server... OK
              Read data from server... OK
              Disconnected from server!
              12:22:49.252 done!
              Account status:
              User: storelyckan3
              Credits left: 7
              Ping test to router ( failed!
              Ping test to router ( failed!
              Ping test to router ( failed!
              Device not ready!
              Last edited by idgforum; 2014-08-07, 11:29 AM.


              • #8
                It seems that you can't connect to servers correctly, log in while router is not connected to pc, Enable debug logging will be visible only after log in.
                >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<


                • #9
                  According to the log file which you have provided it seems that router still tried to connect via istead of one that you set, maybe on router web ui settings are not set on automatic? Please check.
                  >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<


                  • #10
                    I don't relay understand what you meant? Her two clipp from the routers WebUI

                    Should I set the router in Internet wan-mode? And connect cable to wan-port?

                    The ZTE 3/4 G router can only be set in static ip, no auto what I understan but perhaps in wan-mode?

                    Here the wan UI when the router is in wan-mode and I gonna try with that. Perhaps set the wan to manually.

                    Last edited by idgforum; 2014-08-08, 07:33 AM. Reason: Smaller images


                    • #11
                      In wan mode DHCP I get this:
                      Ping test to router ( OK
                      Switching router to FTM mode... failed!
                      FTM setup 1... failed!
                      Ping test to router ( OK
                      Switching router to FTM mode... failed!
                      FTM setup 1... failed!
                      Ping test to router ( OK
                      Switching router to FTM mode... failed!
                      FTM setup 1... failed!
                      Device not ready!


                      • #12
                        Make log file as usual after detect attemot and send to our email, thank you. Make sure you can access router by before detection to make sure it is accessable
                        >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<


                        • #13
                          I have the file saved on Dropbox history precisely after when DC-unlock access the router by (when it not was in 3G mode). I send it now. But I think I get up. The last I do was to change routers ip to and then I get this but fail:

                          Ping test to router ( OK
                          Switching router to FTM mode... failed!
                          FTM setup 1... OK
                          FTM setup 2... OK
                          FTM setup 3... OK
                          Activating FTM mode... OK
                          Waiting for router response... failed!
                          Ping test to router ( OK
                          Switching router to FTM mode... failed!
                          FTM setup 1... OK
                          FTM setup 2... OK
                          FTM setup 3... OK
                          Activating FTM mode... OK
                          Waiting for router response... failed!
                          Error code = 151
                          Last edited by idgforum; 2014-08-08, 07:59 AM.


                          • #14
                            I think something is wrong with the router. I have return it to the store for repare.


                            • #15
                              I have the same issue as idgforum. ( can see he is from sweden also, hejsan)

                              the MF28D is configured as

                              and my network card as

                              this is my logs.

                              {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1030{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}}
                              {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue128;\red0\green0\blue0;\red166\g reen202\blue240;\red255\green0\blue0;\red0\green12 8\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;}
                              \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs20 DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0011\cf2\b0
                              \par \cf3\i 2014-08-08 20:00:47\cf2\i0
                              \par \cf1\b
                              \par For correct communication with MF28 router, please configure router's network adapter to manual IP address !
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \b Found network adapters:
                              \par \b0
                              \par \cf1\b Qualcomm Atheros AR8172/8176/8178 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)\cf2\b0
                              \par \cf1\b MAC address : \cf2\b0 20-25-64-1E-E0-51
                              \par \cf1\b IP address : \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf1\b Gateway : \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf1\b Subnet Mask : \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf4\b Wrong IP address!
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf4\b Wrong IP address!
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf4\b Wrong IP address!
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf5\b Log sucessfully saved to file\cf2\b0
                              \par \cf1\i "C:\\Users\\PC\\Documents\\ZTE MF28D\\2014-08-08_200136_log.rtf"
                              \par \cf2\i0
                              \par \cf1\b
                              \par For correct communication with MF28 router, please configure router's network adapter to manual IP address !
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf5 OK\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Switching router to FTM mode... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 FTM setup 1... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf5 OK\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Switching router to FTM mode... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 FTM setup 1... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf5 OK\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Switching router to FTM mode... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 FTM setup 1... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf4\b Device not ready!
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf4\b Device not ready!
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf5 OK\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Switching router to FTM mode... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 FTM setup 1... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf5 OK\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Switching router to FTM mode... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 FTM setup 1... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Ping test to router ( \cf5 OK\cf2
                              \par \cf6 Switching router to FTM mode... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf6 FTM setup 1... \cf4 failed!\cf2
                              \par \cf4\b Device not ready!
                              \par \cf2\b0
                              \par }

                              and second try........

                              {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1030{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil MS Sans Serif;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 MS Sans Serif;}}
                              {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue128;\red166\green202\blue240;\re d0\green0\blue0;\red128\green128\blue128;\red0\gre en128\blue0;\red255\green0\blue0;}
                              \viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\b\f0\fs20 DC-Unlocker - ZTE Routers Unlocker client v.1.0011
                              \par \cf2\b0\i 2014-08-08 20:15:34\cf1\b\i0
                              \par \cf3 20:15:37.903 Start Check account
                              \par \cf1
                              \par \cf4\b0 Connecting to server... \cf5 OK\cf1\b
                              \par \cf4\b0 Send data to server... \cf5 OK\cf1\b
                              \par \cf4\b0 Read data from server... \cf5 OK\cf1\b
                              \par \cf4\b0 Disconnected from server!\cf1\b
                              \par \cf3 20:15:38.636 \cf5 done!
                              \par \cf1
                              \par \cf3 Account status:\cf1
                              \par User: \cf3\b0 ressurex\cf1\b
                              \par Credits left: \cf3\b0 10
                              \par \cf1\b
                              \par \f1\'03\cf3\b0 7
                              \par \cf1\b\f0
                              \par For correct communication with MF28 router, please configure router's network adapter to manual IP address !
                              \par \cf3 Found network adapters:
                              \par \cf1
                              \par Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device #2
                              \par MAC address : \cf3\b0 5A-2C-80-13-92-63\cf1\b
                              \par IP address : \cf3\b0\cf1\b
                              \par Gateway : \cf3\b0\cf1\b
                              \par Subnet Mask : \cf3\b0
                              \par \cf1\b
                              \par Qualcomm Atheros AR8172/8176/8178 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20)
                              \par MAC address : \cf3\b0 20-25-64-1E-E0-51\cf1\b
                              \par IP address : \cf3\b0\cf1\b
                              \par Gateway : \cf3\b0\cf1\b
                              \par Subnet Mask : \cf3\b0
                              \par \cf1\b
                              \par \cf4\b0 Ping test to router ( \cf6 failed!\cf1\b
                              \par \cf4\b0 Ping test to router ( \cf6 failed!\cf1\b
                              \par \cf4\b0 Ping test to router ( \cf6 failed!\cf1\b
                              \par \cf6 Device not ready!
                              \par \cf1
                              \par }

