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Huawei e5372s BOLT Indonesia

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  • #31

    I've tried to unlock my Bolt E5372s with dc-unlocker client and although the sw said succesfully unlocked but the device is still locked. Anyone can help on this?



    • #32
      At the moment this device is not yet available for unlock. If you've spend credits for unlocking it let us know your username/dongle id, we will add them back to your account.
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      • pandha
        pandha commented
        Editing a comment
        Yes, I spent 7 credits on that, my username is pandha. Thanks. When can we expect the solution for this?


      • pandha
        pandha commented
        Editing a comment
        I haven't seen my lost credit added back, could you please confirm?

      • nanozero
        nanozero commented
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        my id nano1984, spend 7 credits but my modem huawei e5372s still locked

    • #33
      What really no solution ?


      • #34
        Originally posted by 69_9000 View Post
        What really no solution ?

        the funny thing is that this unlocked modem (e5372s-620) is available in indonesia already for around a month and yet the so called "experts" working for dc-unlocker failed to solve these problems just like MF90 BOLT indonesia whereas the modem is now discontinued and dc-unlocker just managed to solve the march firmware. I sugguest dc-unlocker just bought the unlocked modem and copy it rather wasting our time and only managed to solve when the modem is about to be discontinued and it would be a huge disappointment for dc-unlocker dongle users.

        This is the most best selling modem nowadays in indonesia and it could be proved the numbers of views for this thread. Too bad you guys work too slow and got beaten by unknown guy who managed to unlocked it just like MF90 earlier maybe it is time for you guys to seek new "experts" or perhaps go to some russian sites to seek advices on how to unlock modems
        Last edited by riofso; 2014-06-24, 07:07 AM.


        • #35
          Originally posted by riofso View Post

          the funny thing is that this unlocked modem (e5372s-620) is available in indonesia already for around a month and yet the so called "experts" working for dc-unlocker failed to solve these problems just like MF90 BOLT indonesia whereas the modem is now discontinued and dc-unlocker just managed to solve the march firmware. I sugguest dc-unlocker just bought the unlocked modem and copy it rather wasting our time and only managed to solve when the modem is about to be discontinued and it would be a huge disappointment for dc-unlocker dongle users.

          This is the most best selling modem nowadays in indonesia and it could be proved the numbers of views for this thread. Too bad you guys work too slow and got beaten by unknown guy who managed to unlocked it just like MF90 earlier maybe it is time for you guys to seek new "experts" or perhaps go to some russian sites to seek advices on how to unlock modems

          dc unloker her already found a solution!!!

          but not to the general


          • #36
            Originally posted by 69_9000 View Post

            dc unloker her already found a solution!!!

            but not to the general

            don't know what you mean by that, anyway as a dongle user I am very disappointed with the pace of the technical support here. A common excuse that we should be patient with the no-exact date of when the unlock would be released sound very unprofessional indeed as the unlocked modem is already available for a month in indonesia and dc-unlocker admitted they have 3 modems in hand and yet failed to help us unlocked it.
            Last edited by riofso; 2014-06-24, 11:57 AM.


            • #37
              Yes, we are all Indonesian waiting for the solution. We appreciate your hard working, but please work faster...


              • #38
                so still no solution?


                • #39
                  the way they are unlocking here is maybe through unlock code, similar to other locked phone method. maybe they have connection with someone in huawei which has the unlock codes.


                  • #40
                    now unlocked.world first again BOLT indonesia.other team just bla...bla...bla...


                    • #41
                      I have same problem too.

                      Found modem : E5372T
                      Model : Huawei E5372
                      IMEI : 863959021025260
                      Serial NR. : W3KFGA9442902327
                      Firmware :
                      Compile date / time : Mar 27 2014 15:35:09
                      Hardware ver. : CL1E5372TSM04
                      Dashboard version : WEBUI_15.
                      SIM Lock status : Locked (Card lock)
                      Wrong codes entered : 10 (unlock attempts left : 0)

                      ================================================== =================

                      Unlocking, please wait ...

                      Modem successfully unlocked !

                      Credits left : 0

                      What i must do?


                      • #42
                        dc-unlocker has released its unlock for e5372s by using Huawei E5372s Bolt unlocker but a friend asked me not to unlock my modem using dc unlocker software as the unlock for e5372s from dc-unlocker is not permanent, is that true? some said the modem could got locked again if we push the reset button
                        Last edited by riofso; 2014-07-14, 09:04 AM.


                        • #43
                          Originally posted by riofso View Post
                          dc-unlocker has released its unlock for e5372s by using Huawei E5372s Bolt unlocker but a friend asked me not to unlock my modem using dc unlocker software as the unlock for e5372s from dc-unlocker is not permanent, is that true? some said the modem could got locked again if we push the reset button
                          It does not get relocked, however unlocking same device again second and other times is free of cost.
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                          • #44
                            Originally posted by Valdemaras View Post
                            It does not get relocked, however unlocking same device again second and other times is free of cost.
                            so you confirm it is permanent unlocked unless we update its firmware?


                            • #45
                              Originally posted by riofso View Post
                              so you confirm it is permanent unlocked unless we update its firmware?
                              Yes, confirm. Was tested with hundreds of these units already.
                              >>Free Octohide VPN for Android, find it on Google Play Here<<

