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Option Icon 7.2 Problem with debranding

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  • #46
    help me please...i cannot debranding my option..(branded with orange, but dont know which country it is)...i've tried to upgrade with superfire from option website and of course it failed with classic error message device not supported...here is my superfire log file n im using three indonesia network provider...

    thanks before....hope you could find me a way to solve this problem....


    • #47
      Originally posted by jeferbla View Post
      Iīve an old Option Icon 7.2, model GI0201, Qualcomm 3G CDMA.
      Itīs Orange (Spain) branded.
      When I autodetec with DC-Unlock the result is:

      DC - Unlocker 2 Client 1.00.0565

      Detecting card :

      selection :
      manufacturer - Option
      model - Auto detect (recommended)

      Found modem : GTM378
      Model : GlobeSurfer ICON 7.2
      IMEI : 352375010938744
      Serial NR. : SE3976P1WG
      Firmware : 2.1.2Hd
      Compile date / time : Feb 20 2007 13:00:52
      Chipset : Qualcomm MSM6280
      SIM Lock status : Locked (PH-NET PIN)

      ================================================== ========

      But I canīt unlock the Option, as after some seconds the DC-Unlocker
      gets frozen at 99%, and Iīve to end the task with the windows task manager.
      Iīve to remark that the ports window left in grey (not white) ,with its
      appropiate COMS (COM3 and 4 in my case).

      Moreover, when I try to use Superfire it says that "The detected device
      cannot be updated with this program, Please insert an appropiate device..."
      The known problem with branded Option.

      I donīt know what to do now.

      Please, help me with a Superfire patched for Orange (SP) and tell me how
      to unlock my Option with DC-Unlocker...

      I have exactly the same problem, with the same device, but with Omnitel (Lithuania).

      Superfire log: http://pastebin.com/mmPfVP7h


      • #48
        Originally posted by CodilX View Post
        I have exactly the same problem, with the same device, but with Omnitel (Lithuania).

        Superfire log: http://pastebin.com/mmPfVP7h

        Hello,You can help me to I have Branded Option Icon 7.2 by Omnitel (Lithuania). Problem is the same- unsupported card (MO0201-10957)
        Superfire log is here: http://pastebin.com/qfBzzyka

        yaylol,only You can help me


        • #49
          need firmware


          this is my log file can u pls help me to get change the firmware to English

          Last edited by razmi; 2011-01-12, 02:14 PM.


          • #50
            Icon 7.2 - Orange Switzerland

            It appears that I am facing the same problem as everybody: debranding an Icon 7.2 dongle so that I can update its firmware.

            The dongle is branded Orange Switzerland.
            The Superfire log can be found at

            Unlocking with dc-unlocker worked smoothly:

            Found modem : GTM378
            Model : GlobeSurfer ICON 7.2
            IMEI : ...
            Serial NR. : ...
            Firmware : 2.3.0Hd
            Compile date / time : Aug 23 2007 12:58:36
            Chipset : Qualcomm MSM6280
            SIM Lock status : unlocked

            Since this is a common issue, I am just wondering: couldn't a database of branding codes be included into Superfire so that it can match them against a dongle's reported id and proceed without complaining about the lack of an "appropriate device"?



            • #51
              need superfire

              please give me superfire for my one
              Attached Files


              • #52
                Problem solved !

                Hey,I've found the tutorial how to edit installer in a hex editor: http://www.flyingseagull.de/

                Note: in hex editor search field type "4d004f0030003200300031" (do not paste), then write your card id in the installer. It worked for me


                • #53
                  Superfire problem also


                  I have upload my logs: http://pastebin.com/1qhFevmg

                  I have tried the Superfire firmware update but does not work for my internal laptop card. I have heard of people who have got it to weork by editing the exe file with a hex editor but that is too much for me. Can you make me a new exe file whihc will update my cards firware so I can use the GPS function. It needs firmware 2.5.1 but only has 2.3.1.

                  Many thanks in advance


                  • #54
                    Has anyone got a tutorial prepared on how to edit surefire? I am sure this may assist many, including myself, as I am trying to edit the FW for an Icon 431 /411.

                    If anyone is will to assist me I would be very much grateful


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by UnlockStress View Post
                      Has anyone got a tutorial prepared on how to edit surefire? I am sure this may assist many, including myself, as I am trying to edit the FW for an Icon 431 /411.

                      If anyone is will to assist me I would be very much grateful
                      My Option number is GI0201-10837.

                      Which digits I should enter in Superfire .exe ? Could anybody give an instruction how to modify it.


                      • #56
                        does someone have full instruction how to edit SuperFire installer i have downloaded update file from options website i have unbranded iCON 7.2 but i cant update it

