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username : Ramlan1979
15 credit deducated after update mate 9
Looking for a device in force upgrade mode
No devices detected in force upgrade mode
Looking for a device in fastboot mode
Device found: 0123456789ABCDEF
15/03/2018 18:38:51 Starting to write device in FASTBOOT mode...
File to update: MHA-AL00AM00A069_Board Software_inc_testpoint.dgtks
Device found: 0123456789ABCDEF
Cannot get IMEI from device
Product model: hi3660
Erasing nvme partition
Partition nvme erased
Erasing cust partition
Partition cust erased
Erasing misc partition
Partition misc erased
Erasing userdata partition
Partition userdata erased
xloaderpartition is not written because is in the APP file
Writing ptable partition with file fastbootimage/ptable.img
ptable partition UPDATE ...OK
fastbootpartition is not written because is in the APP file
vectorpartition is not written because is in the APP file
dtspartition is not written because is in the APP file
fw_lpm3partition is not written because is in the APP file
sensorhubpartition is not written because is in the APP file
fw_hifipartition is not written because is in the APP file
teeospartition is not written because is in the APP file
recoverypartition is not written because is in the APP file
cachepartition is not written because is in the APP file
bootpartition is not written because is in the APP file
Writing nvme partition with file fastbootimage/nvme.img
nvme partition UPDATE ...OK
trustfirmwarepartition is not written because is in the APP file
modem_fwpartition is not written because is in the APP file
modemnvm_updatepartition is not written because is in the APP file
Writing modem_om partition with file fastbootimage/modem_fs.img
modem_om partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing modemnvm_img partition with file fastbootimage/modem_nv.img
modemnvm_img partition UPDATE ...OK
isp_firmwarepartition is not written because is in the APP file
userdatapartition is not written because is in the APP file
systempartition is not written because is in the APP file
Writing splash2 partition with file fastbootimage/splash2.img
splash2 partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing frp partition with file fastbootimage/frp.img
frp partition UPDATE ...OK
Erasing cust partition
Partition cust erased
Writing cust partition with file fastbootimage/cust_factory.img
cust partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing secure_storage partition with file fastbootimage/secure_storage.img
secure_storage partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing modem_secure partition with file fastbootimage/modem_secure.img
modem_secure partition UPDATE ...OK
hisee_imgpartition is not written because is in the APP file
hisee_fspartition is not written because is in the APP file
Writing ufs_fw partition with file fastbootimage/ufs_fw.bin
ufs_fw partition UPDATE ...OK
Software written
15/03/2018 18:39:17 Writing device finished OK
Checking fastboot device
Device found: 0123456789ABCDEF
15/03/2018 18:39:18 Starting to write device in FASTBOOT mode...
Device found: 0123456789ABCDEF
Cannot get IMEI from device
Product model: hi3660
Extracting partition XLOADER...
Preparing file to write...
Writing XLOADER partition with file XLOADER
XLOADER partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition FW_LPM3...
Preparing file to write...
Writing FW_LPM3 partition with file FW_LPM3
FW_LPM3 partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition FASTBOOT...
Preparing file to write...
Writing FASTBOOT partition with file FASTBOOT
Extracting partition VECTOR...
Preparing file to write...
Writing VECTOR partition with file VECTOR
VECTOR partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition MODEMNVM_UPDATE...
Preparing file to write...
Writing MODEMNVM_UPDATE partition with file MODEMNVM_UPDATE
Extracting partition TEEOS...
Preparing file to write...
Writing TEEOS partition with file TEEOS
TEEOS partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition TRUSTFIRMWARE...
Preparing file to write...
Writing TRUSTFIRMWARE partition with file TRUSTFIRMWARE
Extracting partition SENSORHUB...
Preparing file to write...
Writing SENSORHUB partition with file SENSORHUB
Extracting partition FW_HIFI...
Preparing file to write...
Writing FW_HIFI partition with file FW_HIFI
FW_HIFI partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition BOOT...
Preparing file to write...
Writing BOOT partition with file BOOT
BOOT partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition RECOVERY...
Preparing file to write...
Writing RECOVERY partition with file RECOVERY
Extracting partition RECOVERY2...
Preparing file to write...
Writing RECOVERY2 partition with file RECOVERY2
RECOVERY2 partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition DTS...
Preparing file to write...
Writing DTS partition with file DTS
DTS partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition CACHE...
Preparing file to write...
Erasing CACHE partition
Partition CACHE erased
Writing CACHE partition with file CACHE
CACHE partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition SYSTEM...
Preparing file to write...
Writing SYSTEM partition with file SYSTEM
SYSTEM partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition ISP_FIRMWARE...
Preparing file to write...
Writing ISP_FIRMWARE partition with file ISP_FIRMWARE
Extracting partition MODEM_FW...
Preparing file to write...
Writing MODEM_FW partition with file MODEM_FW
MODEM_FW partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition HISEE_IMG...
Preparing file to write...
Writing HISEE_IMG partition with file HISEE_IMG
HISEE_IMG partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition HISEE_FS...
Preparing file to write...
Writing HISEE_FS partition with file HISEE_FS
HISEE_FS partition UPDATE ...OK
Extracting partition USERDATA...
Preparing file to write...
Erasing USERDATA partition
Partition USERDATA erased
Writing USERDATA partition with file USERDATA
Software written
15/03/2018 18:43:53 Writing device finished OK
Waiting for fastboot device...
Device found: 0123456789ABCDEF
Writing rescue_recovery partition with file recovery
rescue_recovery partition UPDATE ...OK
Looking for device in upgrade mode...
COM8: Android Adapter PCUI (COM8)
COM6: DBAdapter Reserved Interface (COM6)
15/03/2018 18:44:38 Starting to write device in UPGRADE mode...
File to update: MHA-L29B_C636B181_Firmware_Philippines_Nonspecific_And roid7.0_EMUI5.0.APP
Validating file...
Looking for attached port...
Preparing to write...
Writing partition: SHA256RSA...OK
Writing partition: CRC...OK
Writing partition: CURVER...OK
Writing partition: VERLIST...OK
Writing partition: PACKAGE_TYPE...OK
Writing partition: HISIUFS_GPT...OK
Writing partition: XLOADER...OK
Writing partition: FW_LPM3...OK
Writing partition: FASTBOOT...OK
Writing partition: VECTOR...OK
Writing partition: MODEMNVM_UPDATE...OK
Writing partition: TEEOS...OK
Writing partition: TRUSTFIRMWARE...OK
Writing partition: SENSORHUB...OK
Writing partition: FW_HIFI...OK
Writing partition: BOOT...OK
Writing partition: RECOVERY...OK
Writing partition: RECOVERY2...OK
Writing partition: DTS...OK
Writing partition: CACHE...OK
Writing partition: SYSTEM...OK
Writing partition: ISP_FIRMWARE...OK
Writing partition: MODEM_FW...OK
Writing partition: HISEE_IMG...OK
Writing partition: HISEE_FS...OK
Writing partition: VENDOR...OK
Writing partition: PRODUCT...OK
Writing partition: USERDATA...OK
Writing partition: UFSFW...OK
Software written
15/03/2018 18:57:07 Starting to write device in UPGRADE mode...
File to update: update_MHA-L29_C636B181_hw_spcseas.APP
Validating file...
Looking for attached port...
Preparing to write...
Writing partition: SHA256RSA...OK
Writing partition: CRC...OK
Writing partition: CURVER...OK
Writing partition: VERLIST...OK
Writing partition: PACKAGE_TYPE...OK
Writing partition: HISIUFS_GPT...OK
Writing partition: CUST...OK
Writing partition: VERSION...OK
Writing partition: USERDATA...
Writing partition: USERDATA...OK
Software written
15/03/2018 19:02:03 Writing device finished OK
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We are not responsible what you install as warned on the guide you can install toester firmware if you want to. What you had to use was original full stock rom that was in your phone when it was purchased if you wanted to revive it in first place. For good measure you could send your device to us and we would repair it for you then. We advice to use only full stock roms that are on our support area. Also even if phone's screen doesn't show anything it still might apear in device manager which would allow to flash without testpoints so if you haven't checked that you should do it.Last edited by Valdemaras; 2018-03-08, 12:59 PM.
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Originally posted by Valdemaras View Post
You can do method 3 from dc-phoenix guide and connect it using testpoints.
I installed the firmware with YOUR soft and now my cell wont turn on and my pc doesnt even recognize it!. So i need you to answer for it or give my money back AND pay for my broken cellphone!. It wont start, it wont charge, my pc doesnt recognize it, i cant turn it on with volume keys, NOTHING!
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Originally posted by arcangelam View PostHey there... I flashed with this tool and now my huawei p10 plus wont even turn on! I cant turn it on... looks like its plain death!. What happened??
I dont understand! Please help! I installed this firmware:
VKY-L29 and it said "INCOMPLETE" at the end. I tried to restart the cellphone from fastboot and it never turned on again... i try connecting it and it doesnt even charge. What can i do??
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