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Originally posted by Steve-1 View Postg620s-l01 update error
Device found: 0123456789ABCDEF
Cannot get IMEI from device
Product model: hi6220
Writing MODEMIMAGE partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\MODEMIMAGE.img
Writing MODEMNVM1 partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\MODEMNVM1.img
MODEMNVM1 partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing MCUIMAGE partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\MCUIMAGE.img
Writing HIFI partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\HIFI.img
HIFI partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing DSP partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\DSP.img
DSP partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing DTIMAGE partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\DTIMAGE.img
DTIMAGE partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing TEEOS partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\TEEOS.img
TEEOS partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing TRUSTFIRMWARE partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\TRUSTFIRMWARE.img
Writing FASTBOOT1 partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\FASTBOOT1.img
FASTBOOT1 partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing FASTBOOT partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\FASTBOOT.img
Writing RECOVERY partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\RECOVERY.img
Writing RECOVERY2 partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\RECOVERY2.img
RECOVERY2 partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing BOOT partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\BOOT.img
BOOT partition UPDATE ...OK
Writing SYSTEM partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\SYSTEM.img
SYSTEM partition UPDATE ...OK
Erasing CACHE partition
Partition CACHE erased
Writing CACHE partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\CACHE.img
CACHE partition UPDATE ...OK
Erasing CUST partition
Partition CUST erased
Writing CUST partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\CUST.img
CUST partition UPDATE ...OK
Erasing USERDATA partition
Partition USERDATA erased
Writing USERDATA partition with file H:\DC Unlocker\setup\DC Phoenix\DC_Phoenix_v22\USERDATA.img
Software written
11/16/2016 12:04:59 PM Writing device finished OK
Originally posted by master mobiles View Post
yes i tried many stock roms. flashing complete but phone stil same condition restart and restart
Valdemaras you can add Honor 8 to the list, it did actually write the TEEOS.img which i needed. Now i'm going to play around a little safer with it ;P so it doesn't get messed up again this common month
i was scpetical that it would work but it saved meman, but wasn't this tool made so u can create a fastboot flashable zip? or was i wrong, or is it integrated in app
Originally posted by NihonjP View PostValdemaras you can add Honor 8 to the list, it did actually write the TEEOS.img which i needed. Now i'm going to play around a little safer with it ;P so it doesn't get messed up again this common month
i was scpetical that it would work but it saved meman, but wasn't this tool made so u can create a fastboot flashable zip? or was i wrong, or is it integrated in app
Hello. This is a translation from Russian into English by translate google
Phone HUAWEI Mate8 NXT-AL10
1. Chinese site downloaded the firmware for my phone and installed. After that I could not unlock the bootloader. Nothing helped.
2. Then I downloaded DC Phoenix. Method 1 did not help.
3. I do not care for, downloaded and installed the NXT-AL10_M00A095_Factory_firmware_Android_6.0_EMUI_4.0 .dgtks
4. We had to use the method 2, then became 000000000000 IMEI, MEID, and serial number have changed.
5. Program HCU client, I restored the IMEI, MEID, and serial number. Only after that could unlock the boot loader and restore the firmware.
6. But now when you install the SIM card, your phone requires to enter SIM pin network. He writes that all 3 attempts. But the attempt did not end. The phone is not operator. Prior to this problem, many times reinstalled the firmware and no problems.
7. Tell me, can you help?
Здравствуйте. Это перевод с русского языка на английский через translate google
Телефон HUAWEI Mate8 NXT-AL10
1. С Китайского сайта скачал прошивку для моего телефона и установил. После этого я не мог разблокировать загрузчик. Ничего не помогало.
2. Потом я скачал DC Phoenix. Метод 1 не помог.
3. Я по не внимательности, скачал и установил NXT-AL10_M00A095_Factory_firmware_Android_6.0_EMUI_4.0 .dgtks
4. Пришлось использовать метод 2, после этого IMEI стал 000000000000, MEID и Серийный номер стали другими.
5. Программой HCU client, я восстановил IMEI, MEID и серийный номер. Только после этого смог разблокировать загрузчик и восстановить прошивку.
6. Но теперь при установке SIM карты, телефон требует ввести SIM pin network. Пишет, что всего 3 попытки. Но попытки не заканчиваются. Телефон не операторский. До этой проблемы, много раз переустанавливал прошивку и никаких проблем не было.
7. Скажите, можете помочь?
Originally posted by AkekKz View PostHello. This is a translation from Russian into English by translate google
Phone HUAWEI Mate8 NXT-AL10
1. Chinese site downloaded the firmware for my phone and installed. After that I could not unlock the bootloader. Nothing helped.
2. Then I downloaded DC Phoenix. Method 1 did not help.
3. I do not care for, downloaded and installed the NXT-AL10_M00A095_Factory_firmware_Android_6.0_EMUI_4.0 .dgtks
4. We had to use the method 2, then became 000000000000 IMEI, MEID, and serial number have changed.
5. Program HCU client, I restored the IMEI, MEID, and serial number. Only after that could unlock the boot loader and restore the firmware.
6. But now when you install the SIM card, your phone requires to enter SIM pin network. He writes that all 3 attempts. But the attempt did not end. The phone is not operator. Prior to this problem, many times reinstalled the firmware and no problems.
7. Tell me, can you help?
- Likes 1
Originally posted by Vincentas View Post
You may need to unlock it now. How to unlock can find here: https://www.dc-unlocker.com/huawei-a...n-unlock-guide
Thank you very much. Phone unlocked. But now the phone does not catch network. When I corrected the IMEI, I had Repair UMTS or Repair CDMA choose?
Большое спасибо. Телефон разблокировал. Но теперь телефон не ловит сеть. Когда я исправлял IMEI, мне надо было Repair UMTS или Repair CDMA выбрать?